Category: life events
feelings of perception
i don’t really sleep that poorly. we have a comfy mattress and plenty of blankets… we roll around a bit and switch sometimes. but there’s that one minute before the alarm is about to go off… when the bed suddenly feels like you’re floating on a king-sized cloud and the last thing you want to…
it happened again… except this time, it’s worse. my boss came over to my cube and leaned over the stark, brown wall that i’ve recently come to loathe. he uttered the following: imagine my excitement when i was told that i would be responsible for copying some 200-odd open bug tickets for a website that…
personal fan
we all have relationships with the people that we have the pleasure to work with… after a while, the origin of said relationships can sometimes get fuzzy and fade away from memory. i have one particular relationship at work whose beginning (and subsequent continued existence) is far from faded. allow me to tell you the…
we live next to this really great park… people without dogs barely use it, and people with dogs frequently do (even tho they’re not technically allowed). we took them over a couple nights ago… it was kinda late for all of us, so it was extra dark. once we crossed the bridge, they both took…
terrible customer experience
so, i had one final package to mail off to the judge after my divorce hearing. it’s required to be in his hands within 30 days, so i promptly made copies in triplicate, prepared the packets of said copies, and headed over to the post office on my lunch break. of course, everyone and their…